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Card text
When you Stun or Recall an enemy, I deal 2 to it.
You Stun or Recall 5+ units.
Collecting & Crafting
This card is collectible, and costs An icon representing LoR:Shard 3000 or An icon representing Wildcard 1
"Death is like the wind..."

Yasuo is a champion in Legends of Runeterra.

Card text
When you Stun or Recall an enemy, I strike it.
Collecting & Crafting
This card cannot be collected.
"...always by my side."

Yasuo is a champion in Legends of Runeterra.

Yasuo's Steel Tempest
Card text
Stun an attacking enemy.
Create a 4Yasuo in your deck.
Collecting & Crafting
This card cannot be collected.
"Hasagi!"- 4Yasuo
  • Primary

Yasuo's Steel Tempest is a champion spell in Legends of Runeterra.

Challenge Mode[edit | edit source]

The Path of Champions[edit | edit source]

Path of Champions
750 / An icon representing LoR:Fragment 30


Star Powers

Yasuo is a playable champion in The Path of Champions. See more at Yasuo/PoC.

Champion Stars

Stars Power
Follow the Wind
Round Start: If you have the attack token, stun the strongest enemy.
Never Dull
+1 Starting Mana.
When an ally strikes, grant it +1|+0
Follow the Wind II
Round Start: Stun the strongest enemy.
Dragon's Rage
When you summon an ally, grant it Fury. It is a Dragon.
Round End: Recall Stunned enemies.

Skins[edit | edit source]

Original Yasuo: Base Skin
An icon representing LoR:Wildcard 1 / 15-Oct-2019
Level 1

"Death is like the wind..."

Level 2

"...always by my side."

Yasuo's Steel Tempest

"Hasagi!"- 4Yasuo


Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

4Cosmic Zephyr Yasuo features a voice filter on top of the lines of 4Original Yasuo.

Summoned[edit | edit source]

  • "Death is like the wind, always by my side."
  • "Follow the wind, but watch your back."
  • "I go where the road takes me."
  • "Is a leaf's only purpose to fall?"
  • "Sleep is for the guiltless."

Allied 6 Yone, Windchaser present

  • Yone: "Return home, Yasuo."
    • Yasuo: "You know there's nothing for me there."

Enemy 6 Yone, Windchaser present

  • Yone: "Answer for what you have done!"
    • Yasuo: "I've nothing more to give!"
  • Yone: "You're wanted for your crimes."
    • Yasuo: "I'm no murderer!"

Allied 4Jhin present

  • Yasuo: "Is a leaf's only purpose to fall?"
    • Jhin: "A beautiful fall is purpose enough."
  • Yasuo: "Death is like the wind, always by my side."
    • Jhin: "A director is needed to impose a path upon destiny."

Allied 5Karma present

  • Karma: "May your wanderings find you peace."
    • Yasuo: "Time will tell."
  • Karma: "Let your spirit find respite, wanderer."
    • Yasuo: "I won't rest until my name is cleared."

Enemy 3Katarina present

  • Yasuo: "Follow the wind, but watch your back."
    • Katarina: "Wise words... for a dead man!"

Allied 3Riven present

  • Yasuo: "I go where the road takes me."
    • Riven: "However far you travel, you won't outrun the past."
  • Yasuo: "Of all weapons, the past cuts deepest."
    • Riven: "The past is a burden we both share."

Enemy 3Riven present

  • Yasuo: "Sleep is for the guiltless."
    • Riven: "I never meant to cause you pain."
  • Yasuo: "Follow the wind, but watch your back."
    • Riven: "Broken wings need no wind to carry them."

Allied 4Shen present

  • Shen: "You could've had a place among the Kinkou."
    • Yasuo: "I've got enough ghosts to fight already."

Enemy 4Shen present

  • Shen: "The balance will decide your fate."
    • Yasuo: "It can try."

Allied 5Taliyah present

  • Yasuo: "I go where the road takes me."
    • Taliyah: "I'm glad it brought us back together, Yasuo."
  • Yasuo: "Follow the wind, but watch your back."
  • Yasuo: "Is a leaf's only purpose to fall?"
    • Taliyah: "Better a leaf than a mountain."

Enemy 5Thresh present

  • Thresh: "Oh, your brother said hello... or rather, screamed it."
    • Yasuo: "Impossible!"

Enemy 8Tryndamere present

  • Tryndamere: "Call that a sword?"
    • Yasuo: "Some didn't. But I changed their minds."

Allied 3Zed present

  • Zed: "The enemy of my enemy..."
    • Yasuo: "Barely tolerates you."
  • Zed: "You'd do well in my order."
    • Yasuo: "I'm nobody's pawn."

Enemy 3Zed present

  • Zed: "They call us murderers as though it were an insult."
    • Yasuo: "Save it for someone who'll listen."

Allied 9 Minah Swiftfoot present

  • Yasuo: "Dangerous out here, kid."
    • Minah: "I can handle myself."

Allied 1 Sparring Student present

  • Yasuo: "I go where the road takes me."
    • Sparring Student: "Are you the one with wind technique?"

Sees a Unit Summoned[edit | edit source]

Allied 6 Yone, Windchaser

  • Yone: "At last, I have found you."
    • Yasuo: "Yone... turn back while you can."
  • Yone: "Brother, what have you become?"
    • Yasuo: "If I told you, would you listen?"
  • Yasuo: "Does the wind flee?"
    • Yone: "Or does it follow?"

Enemy 6 Yone, Windchaser

  • Yone: "You have taken a dark path."
    • Yasuo: "You never did believe me."
  • Yasuo: "What would you ask of a man with nothing?"
    • Yone: "To die with honor."

Allied 2Ahri

  • Yasuo: "Death is like the wind, always by my side."
    • Ahri: "Right. Hasagi!" *giggles*
  • Yasuo: "I go where the road takes me."
    • Ahri: "You still haven't answered that question?"

Enemy 2Ahri

  • Yasuo: "I go where the road takes me."
    • Ahri: "Wanderer, for once, I think you're lost."

Enemy 5Garen

  • Garen: "For justice. For Demacia!"
    • Yasuo: "Some things never dull... and then there's you."

Allied 3Riven

  • Yasuo: "They accused me of murder. They were wrong."
    • Riven: "I would give you back your life if I could."

Allied 4Shen

  • Shen: "A shame you let pride disrupt your training."
    • Yasuo: "A shame you didn't."

Enemy 4Yasuo

  • Yasuo: "Death is like the wind, always by my side."
    • Yasuo: "Of all weapons, the past cuts deepest."

Allied 4 Back Alley Barkeep

  • Back Alley Barkeep: "Pick your poison."
    • Yasuo: "Give me the usual."

Allied 2 Greenglade Duo

  • Kay: "The yordle here is with me."
    • Yasuo: "Company makes the journey go faster."
  • Kay: "Everything's better with company."
    • Zern: "Says you."
      • Yasuo: "Tough road. Keep each other safe."

Allied 3 Greenglade Elder

  • Yasuo: "Tough to leave the past behind."
    • Greenglade Elder: "Tales of our past are seeds for our future."
  • Greenglade Elder: "What would you wish to learn?"
    • Yasuo: "I'm not the man you think I am."
  • Greenglade Elder: "Tales of our past are seeds for our future."
    • Yasuo: "They accused me of murder. They were wrong."

Allied 5 Legion General

  • Legion General: "My warhost awaits."
    • Yasuo: "Only the lucky ones return home."
  • Legion General: "All will kneel before Noxus!"
    • Yasuo: "Noxus always wants something from Ionians."

Allied 6 Minotaur Reckoner

  • Minotaur Reckoner: "Pay, or bleed."
    • Yasuo: "Rough technique. Good results."
  • Minotaur Reckoner: "Anything, for the right coin."
    • Yasuo: "Guess that's one way to do it."

Enemy 4 Ren Shadowblade

  • Ren: "Their screams pierce the darkness."
    • Yasuo: "Scurry back to your shadows."

Allied 1 Sparring Student

  • Sparring Student: "Ready, willing, and learning."
    • Yasuo: "Keep going, kid. You'll get it."
  • Sparring Student: "What's today's lesson?"
    • Yasuo: "Life's the best teacher you'll get."

Allied 2 Fae Bladetwirler

  • "Big blade for a little warrior."
  • "Quick footwork, fast strikes."

Level Up[edit | edit source]

  • Level Up Theme
  • "I follow only one path: my own!"
  • "Destiny waits!"
  • "Maybe I do have a future!"
  • "I will follow this path until the end!"
  • "No one is promised tomorrow!"

Sees a Spell or Skill Resolve[edit | edit source]

Allied  Skyward Strikes

  • "Not bad, kid."
  • "Where'd you learn that?"
  • "Set 'em up, we'll knock 'em down."

Allied 2 Steel Tempest

  • "Hasagi!"
  • "Aseryo!"
  • "Sorye ge ton!"

Allied 4 Will of Ionia

  • "If the journey doesn't get ya the road might."
  • "Terrain here is... opinionated."

Sees a Unit Stunned or Recalled[edit | edit source]

  • "I do alright."
  • "No cure for fools."
  • "My kind of lessons."
  • "Even I have good days."

Attack Declared[edit | edit source]

  • "I faced my fate, your turn."
  • "One blade, one purpose."
  • "Some things never dull."
  • "Blade never gets any lighter."
  • "Life and death on a blade's edge."

Block Declared[edit | edit source]

  • "No more running."
  • "Welcome to try."
  • "I alone decide my fate."
  • "Hope you brought friends."

Sees a Unit Die[edit | edit source]

Allied 6 Yone, Windchaser

  • "Yone... brother..."
  • "Honor... wasn't worth both our lives..."

Death[edit | edit source]

  • "Dying's easy..."
  • "Clear my name..."
  • "A fallen leaf..."
  • Yasuo groans.

Chosen[edit | edit source]

  • "My destination? Tell you when I get there."

Removed from choice[edit | edit source]

  • "Suit yourself."

Victory[edit | edit source]

  • "One step closer to redemption."
  • "I will regain my honor."

Defeat[edit | edit source]

  • "Time to start over... again."
  • "Keep movin' on..."
  • "Always believed in second chances."

Media[edit | edit source]

Change Log[edit | edit source]

  • Undocumented:
    • Flavor becomes: "Death is like the wind..."
      • Old Flavor: "Death is like the wind... always by my side."
  • Health increased to 4 from 3.
Announce Preview Patch
  • Added.
Yasuo (Level 2)
  • Undocumented:
    • Flavor becomes: "...always by my side."
      • Old Flavor: "Death is like the wind... always by my side."
Announce Preview Patch
  • Added.
  • Health increased to 5 from 4.
  • Text becomes: "When you Stun or Recall an enemy, I strike it." (Keyword is highlighted.)
    • Old Text: "When you Stun or Recall an enemy, I strike it.""
Yasuo's Steel Tempest
  • Undocumented:
    • Text becomes: " Stun an attacking enemy. Create a 4Yasuo in your deck."
      • Old Text: " Stun an attacking enemy. Shuffle a 4Yasuo into your deck."
  • Mana cost reduced to 2 from 3.
Announce Preview Patch
  • Added.