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Merchant Clans

Lord Arvino's untimely death thrusted his sheltered daughter Sofia into leading one of the richest families in Piltover. She had fallen in love with Marko Volkage, a Zaunite chem-baron trying to gain power in Piltover. They planned an engagement in a Zaun cultivar, but it was cut short when An icon representing Universe:Camille Camille assassinated Volkage. Camille then made a deal with the intelligencer of House Arvino, Adalbert, to keep Sofia out of trouble.

  • Adalbert
  • Sofia ♔

House Bolbok was a family with business connections to the influential guild merchant An icon representing Universe:Amara Amara. After Irius's death, another member of House Bolbok replaced him as councilor.

  • An icon representing Universe:Bolbok Irius
  • Unnamed councilor

Uberti was the first to design the self-locomotor, but rumor has it that one of Clan Medarda's agents stole some schematics of this project, leading to the creation of a self-locomotor in Clan Medarda's mansion. Clan Torek also tried to convince Uberti to join it, and it is unknown which clan she is in.

  • Uberti
Colors: Blue
"For family, will I give."

Clan Ferros stands as one of the oldest mercantile clans within the city, boasting a lineage that predates even the Rune Wars era, back when the city was known as Oshra Va'Zaun. It gained most of its wealth through a rare crystal harvested from the Brackern of Shurima. Utilizing certain shadow investments in chemtech and runic alchemy, the Ferros family brought to market the synthetic hex-crystals: less powerful, but easier to procure. Such power often comes with consequences, and the production of synthetic crystals is rumored to be a heavy contributor to the Zaun Gray.


Jayce earned the honor of being the youngest apprenta to ever be offered patronage by Clan Giopara, one of Piltover's most respected ruling clans. He spent most of his early years constructing potential hextech devices and designing transformable multi-tools for Piltover's working class. Ferros would later outbit Giopara and take Jayce as their apprenta.


A well known clan that refused a Zaunite boy for apprenticeship, after which Boswell Holloran almost died from a fall from a An icon representing Universe:Janna mysterious gust of wind that launched him off his balcony.

  • Boswell

House Hoskel was a family with business connections to Noxus, and they relied on the Hexgate for the illegal transport of foreign goods. Councilor Torman was largely a puppet of An icon representing Universe:Mel Mel Medarda, who knew how to convince him to vote in her favor.


The Kirammans are a wealthy and influential family of hextech artificers. They are also known for their lavish lifestyle of hunting in the wilder lands outside of Piltover.
In the  Arcane event, they have funded the study and research of hextech with their apprenta An icon representing Jayce/Arcane Jayce Talis.

Colors: Red
This section focuses primarily on the Medarda family's dynastic branch in Piltover. For information on the Noxian house, see Noble Houses of Noxus.

The Medarda clan originally began as a family of merchants off the coast of Shurima, who would rise for centuries to become one of the Great Houses of Noxus. The family's dynastic branch in Piltover exists as a means to defend and manage the family's interests in the city—most notably the operations of the Sun Gates, a vital canal connecting the seas to the east and west. Master Jago was known to command great prestige and influence in Piltover, and he leveraged this frequently to expedite his family's ships to the front of the queue. Heir apparent Jae preferred hunting ancient artifacts over managing the family business, much to his father's chagrin.

The Medardas had business ties to other powerful families like House Ferros, who helped Councilor Mel Medarda to become the richest person in Piltover. Mel also leveraged her influence to help approve An icon representing Universe:Jayce/Arcane Jayce Talis' hextech research, and the construction of the Hexgate elevated Piltover's status as a global shipping lane, bringing the city unprecedented wealth, prestige, and a revival in academia. Clan matriarch Ambessa later went into exile in Piltover as well, and she would rise to prominence during Piltover's declaration of martial law.


House Salo held large sway over the mercantile clans of Piltover, with Councilor Salo conspiring with Noxian general An icon representing Universe:Ambessa Ambessa Medarda to suspend the Piltovan government and assume control of its military under martial law. The plan backfired when Ambessa betrayed him to House Kiramman, and Salo lost all his power as a result.


House Shoola is a family with a seat on the Piltover Council. By the end of the martial law period, Councilor Shoola was the only remaining councilor from the original batch.


In  Arcane, House Talis was a family of toolmakers best known for inventing the collapsible pocket wrench. While originally considered a lesser house, Jayce's revolutionary invention of hextech brought his family newfound fame and prestige, and he maintained ties with powerful families like the Kirammans and Medardas. Jayce eventually rose to a seat on the Piltover Council, where he investigated the corrupt activities of its other members, removed its leader An icon representing Universe:Heimerdinger Heimerdinger, and brokered a peace with the chembaron An icon representing Universe:Silco Silco. When the deal fell through, Jayce abandoned his duties as councilor and made plans to resign from his position.

Colors: Blue, Gold

Clan Tariost is a powerhouse in the shipping trade. Lady Aurelie fell in love with Karvyq the Silverhanded during the last Jubilee, but the clan did not approve of his low standing. After Aurelie passed away, Karvyq stole her ashes to honor a promise he made that day.

  • Aurelie