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  • The Cantankerous Cavalier
  • The Great Hussar
  • The High General Marshal Sergeant
  • The Mountain Admiral
  • Lord Colonel Major Centurion
  • Rear Forward Brigadier Admiral
  • Forward Admiral Major
  • Sir Admiral Major
  • Lieutenant Sergeant Commodore
  • Sergeant General Colonel
  • Sergeant Double Admiral
  • High Major Commodore of the First Legion Third Multiplication Double Admiral Artillery Vanguard Company
  • Lord Major Admiral of the Second Legion's Forward Artillery-Cavalry Multiplication
  • Born: Around 2 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
An icon representing Universe:Kled Skaarl
Professional status

Pluridecorated Noxian Army Soldier

Related character(s)

A warrior as fearless as he is ornery, the yordle An icon representing Universe:Kled Kled embodies the furious bravado of Noxus. Many claim Kled has fought in every campaign the warhosts have waged, acquired every military title, and never once backed down from a fight. Though the truth of the matter is often questionable, one part of his legend is always the same: charging into battle on his un-trusty steed, An icon representing Universe:Kled Skaarl, Kled fights to protect what's his... and takes whatever else he can get.

"A sane man would run... but I ain't the runnin' kind!"  Kled
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Background[edit | edit source]


Appearance[edit | edit source]


Personality[edit | edit source]

Kled is a stereotypical hillbilly, with a distaste for "city folk" and a fierce sense of independence from society. Paranoid and territorial, Kled views all of Noxus as his property, and will gladly kill anyone he views as a trespasser. Though Kled doesn't answer to the Trifarix, he has fought alongside and inspired Noxian forces with his fearless and violent attitude for many centuries, and has been decorated with many honors. Because of his military titles (which may or may not be made up), Kled takes pride in his accomplishments and uses them as a means to prove his superiority over others.

Kled is very unfriendly, cursing often and is prone to violent outbursts and shouting. Kled shows a greedy side with his insistence on claiming land, and often places signs marking "Property of Kled" whenever he thinks something is his. Because of his short temper, he constantly berates his Drakalops steed, An icon representing Universe:Kled Skaarl, for her cowardly and unreliable nature. However, Kled does have a soft spot for his untrusty steed, and is overjoyed whenever she returns to help him in battle. Because of his chaotic nature, others often wonder if Kled is mentally-unstable.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

  • Yordle Physiology: Kled is a Yordle, (a being from the Spirit Realm) and possesses several abilities natural to his species.
    • Immortality: Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and cannot die naturally.
    • Yordle Magic: Just like any Yordle, Kled is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a soldier.

Relations[edit | edit source]

An icon representing Universe:Sion Sion[edit | edit source]

Kled fought together with An icon representing Universe:Sion Sion back when Sion still lived, but doesn't think much of the new undead abomination.

An icon representing Universe:Kled Skaarl[edit | edit source]

Kled considers everyone (including himself, bizarrely) his rival and he sees Skaarl as his only friend.[1]

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Starring Champion



The Reunion

Another day on the northern plains. Prickly shrubs. Harsh winds. Killin' trespassers.


Short Story • 7 Minute Read

Where The Drakalops Roam

By Odin Austin Shafer

The Northern Steppes ain't the place for fancy undies and golden piss pots. It's tough land. Ain't nothing go here but barbarian raiders, poison grass, and harsh winds. To survive, you gotta eat rocks and crap lava. And I'm the toughest, meanest, killingest bastard in these parts. So I figure that makes these plains mine.

Mentioned Champion

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Kled's name resembles Welsh noun cledd(yf) /kleːð(ɨv)/ "sword", from Proto-Celtic *kladiwos
    • Kladiwos might have been loaned into Latin as gladius, or both come from same PIE root *kelh₂- "to strike"[2] (compare An icon representing Universe:Brand Brand's An icon for Brand's ability Pyroclasm Pyroclasm)
  • Skaarl is from a species called drakalops, immortal, unkillable wind spirits that embody the desolation of the Noxian Plains.[3]
    • Kled's posters call Skaarl the 'pride of Noxus' and a 'decorated veteran of the battle of Bucket Creek', with the drakalops' gender changing depending on the poster; Kled knows that Skaarl is female, yet unaware of the posters' conundrum.
  • Kled is over 1000 years old, older than Noxus itself as he was present among the Noxii during the Rune War and possibly even earlier than that. He has become a myth and an icon of the empire, even though most are not aware of his true appearance and the fact that he is a Yordle.
    • The battle of Drugne happened around some point between the year 0 and 400.[4]
      • The General participating in the battle was a member of House Zavaan, which An icon representing Universe:Elise Elise became a Matron of at some point.
  • Kled's relation with Noxus draws parallels with An icon representing Poppy Poppy's relation to the founding of Demacia and a hero's reputation, although Poppy's name is not known.
  • Kled is the most distinguished military person to ever live, although most of his titles are made up and/or self-proclaimed.
  • Kled's 'mushroom juice' may be derived from the ones An icon representing Universe:Teemo Teemo uses for his An icon for Teemo's ability Noxious Trap traps.

Change log[edit | edit source]

Character blurb
3 March 2020 (During V10.5) Added.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Champion page
  2. Matasovic, An etymological lexicon of Proto-Celtic, p. 125
  3. Skaarl's species
  4. Scathlocke on the battle of Drugne

See also[edit | edit source]