WR:Legend: Tenacity

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Legend: Tenacity
Passive: Gain 3% (+ 1% per Legend stack) tenacity and 3% (+ 1.416% per Legend stack) slow resist, up to 15% tenacity and 20% slow resist at maximum stacks.
Legend: Gain Legend stacks for every 15 – 30 (based on stacks) points earned, up to 12:
  • 15 points for champion takedowns
  • 15 points for epic monster takedowns.
  • 5 points for large monster kills.
  • 3 points for minion kills.

Legend: Tenacity is a rune in Wild Rift.

Path[edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

Patch History[edit | edit source]

V4.3 - Added
  • Type: Precision Slot 3 rune.
  • Passive: Gain 3% (+ 1% per Legend stack) tenacity and 3% (+ 1.416% per Legend stack) slow resist, up to 15% tenacity and 20% slow resist at maximum stacks.
    • Legend: Gain Legend stacks for every 15 – 30 (based on stacks) points earned, up to 12:
      • 15 points for champion takedowns
      • 15 points for epic monster takedowns.
      • 5 points for large monster kills.
      • 3 points for minion kills.
